Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Easy Grain Free Kid friendly Snack

I make this for my brother when I don't have enough time to cook up something, or when we get home later then usual.

Its loaded with good fats, protein, CLA, vitamins, minerals, fiber and HE LOVES IT!

Apples with Cashew butter and Raw Honey

2 organic apples sliced
2 tbsp. organic cashew butter (no salt added)
1 tbsp. organic RAW honey
pinch of sea salt

Mix cashew butter, honey and salt together until thoroughly combined. Serve with apples and a glass of Amasai

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelcie!
    Kayla told us about your blog. I had no idea that you had one. This is wonderful!!!
    Kendra really wants to try your healthy ice cream. She keeps talking about it. :-)
    God Bless,

