Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fermenting 101

1 head cabbage
3 bell peppers (any color)
1 clove of garlic
1/2 red onion
2 tbsp. salt
16oz. cultured whey
16oz. spring water

Chop bell peppers and onion, shred cabbages and mince garlic.
Rub your salt into the vegetables and let them sit in a large bowl for 6 hours to help draw out the juices.
Pack vegetables and their juices into mason jar and pour cultured whey over the top.
If the vegetables are not completely submerged add water.
Screw on a plastic lid and let it sit for 24 hours on the counter.
Every 12 hours "burp" your jar for one week.
After the first week let it sit for another 2-3 weeks always making sure liquid is covering your vegetables.


  1. Thanks for the easy directions. Fermented food is on my list of beneficial foods to try. Homemade is best.

  2. Thanks for the easy directions! Is the cultured whey beverage the SueroGold from Beyond Organics? Also, when you say "burp" the jar, do you mean open the jar cover and let air inside? Thanks!
